Product Photography, Social Media Work, Creative Direction and Graphic Design
North G3 was a new line of products that the brand North Scooters, a brand  that i've been working with for a long time, set to release with the goal of refocusing their product line to
   a more simple, well produced and detailed focused lineup of parts. I acted as creative director for this project and came up with the ideas of how to present these parts as well as doing some of the actual product design, such as making graphics and helping out with
picking colors/finishes. Below are some picks of my work from the different areas of
creation i took part of.
Studio Product Photography
I shot white background photos of the entire lineup of parts in my in-house studio to be used mainly for their own website as well as for distributors and shops to use.
Environmental Product Photography

I also shot a range of product photography to be used on promotional materials with natural backgrounds and non-studio lighting. I aided in the art direction of going for a the rougher/industrial look, so for these i aimed mostly for concrete-like backgrounds.
Product Graphic Design
I designed the graphics to be used on one of the products in the lineup. The product was a wheel made in collaboration with one of the professional riders that is sponsored by the brand, William Holm. William and I had a talk and decided on the inspirations for the graphics and landed on using ornamental patterns from gothic architecture to be the main reference point. For the end result i ended up using a pattern from gothic lattice fences, i looped and shaped this design into a circle design that could go around the wheel. 
Layouts for Social Media
I created these layouts to be used as social media posts that showcase the products both in studio and in natural environments alongside text information about the products. 
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